Timber Hill Timing

2013 Cumberland Valley Race Series

Cumberland Valley Race Series

The Cumberland Valley Race Series is a yearlong competition consisting of events held throughout the Cumberland Valley.  The Series is administered by Timber Hill Technology Solutions, LLC and the races are timed by Timber Hill TimingEach race is independent with its own prizes and award categories and benifits a local charity.  Anyone entering an event will be automatically entered into the Cumberland Valley Race Series.  Each race earns you points for series prizes.  There are prize categories for individuals and teams.  Teams will be coed and can consist of up to 6 individuals.  All of the team members may participate in each race with the top three point totals among the team members counting toward that team’s score.

Points Categories

Points will be awarded for Performance, Participation and Travel

Performance points will be awarded based on your place in the race.  One goal of the series is increase participation in the smaller races so every race will be treated equality in awarding performance points. The number of points awarded for 1st place in a 50 person race will be the same as a 500 person race.  Different award categories will calculate your place differently.  Your overall gender place as you actually finished will be used for the Overall Male and Female Category.  Your gender place based upon your age adjusted time will be used for the Age Graded Male and Female Category and your age graded performance level will be used to crown the Grand Champions.

Participation points will be awarded for participating in an event. The series will reward you for entering more events.  Everyone will receive 100 points for entering an event.  These points will be multiplied by percentage of the total events you have entered and added to the 100.  For example if the series has 10 events and you are entering your 7th event, your 100 participation points will be multiplied by 70% and added to the 100.  You would earn 170 participation points for that event.  You could receive the maximum 200 points for the final event if you had entered all the events in the series.

Travel points will be awarded based the distance traveled from your home to the location of the race.  This is to encourage you to travel to out of town races and to support the mission of Cumberland Valley Visitor Bureau, a primary sponsor of Cumberland Valley Race Series, of attracting visitors to the Cumberland Valley.  The distance will be based upon the zip code of your race registration to the zip code of the race location.   Each zip code has a latitude and longitude of the geographic center of the zip code assigned to it.  The two set of latitudes and longitudes will be used to calculate a straight line distance between the two points and used as the travel distance.  This distance will equal the number of points awarded.  If no zip code is provided on the race entry then no travel points will be awarded.  A maximum of 100 travel points will be awarded for an individual race.

Award Categories

  • Grand Champions – Top 3 (mixed male and female based on the Age Graded Performance level)
  • Single Best Age Graded Performance
  • Overall Male and Female - Top 10
  • Age Adjusted Male and Female - Top 10
  • Team Overall- Top 3
  • Team Age Graded – Top 3

Age Graded Performance. In lieu of traditional age groups, the Cumberland Valley Race Series will base our age awards using your age graded performance.  The places in each race will be recalculated based upon an age adjusted time.  Age adjusted times are calculated from age grading tables developed by WMA (World Masters Athletics).  The Age Grading tables correct an athlete's time to what it would have been (or will be) in their prime years, regardless of the athlete's current age. The adjustment factors in the tables are based on the world’s best performances at each age compared to Open Class world records in those events.  That time is then compared to the Open Class world record giving a relative standard percentage.  The places will then be recalculated using this percentage without using age or gender.

Scoring Example

The 2012 ArtSHIP 10k had 143 finishers. You are 58 years old and finished in a time of 57:09 and 84th place overall and 39th place female. 

  • The finish is in the 2nd 20% female and 40 Overall points.
  • Your Age Graded Performance Level was 66.75% and 7th place, a 1st 20% finish for 50 grand champion points.
  • Your age adjusted time was 45:28 making you 3rd age adjusted female and 80 age adjusted points.
  • This was the 3rd event that you participated in out of the 13 events or 23%.  100 + (100 * 23%) = 123 points.
  • The race was held in zip code 17257 (Shippensburg) and you live in 17202 (Chambersburg) for 13 travel points.

Award Category Performance Participation Travel Total
Overall 40 123 13 176
Grand Champion 50 123 13 186
Age Adjusted 80 123 13 216

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